Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The Clerical Medical Parish Walk magazine 2009

This is another big step in the status of the Parish Walk.

John Constandinou, the new editor of the Race Walking Record, is producing a special edition for the event. As far as I am aware, this has never been done before for any event in the history of the publication.

And its only costing £2.50 or you can even have five copies (spread them among your friends) for £10.

Find out all about it and order your copies here:

Order a special publication

One of the best parts of this, although John only had a few weeks to organise it, is that by using Michael George as a link to the organising committee he has ensured that the publication has the blessing of the event and he has worked hard to strengthen the links with the event sponsors.

On occasions organisations have suggested producing special products that would undermine the massive investment by Clerical Medical and Manx Telecom.

The message is, if you want to be associated with the event for commercial reasons you must contact the organisers in good time, preferably now for 2010.

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